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    Professional Sports Must Lead by Example

    By Noah Rouen, The Rouen Group 05/10/2024, 9:30am CDT

    Op-Ed by local youth coach and board member

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    Developing Future Star Athletes in the North Star State

    By MYAS Staff 05/07/2024, 10:30am CDT

    As a parent, you may have heard the term “mental toughness” in relation to child development.

    There are a lot of changes that occur over the span of an athlete’s youth baseball career. The game itself looks much different from those tee-ball days when they step out onto a varsity field.

    A game can be won or lost before players even step on the field. Holding a negative attitude or lacking confidence will hamper an athlete’s performance just as much as any injury would. It’s a long season and slumps happen but here are some ways to help players maintain a positive mental attitude no matter what in youth baseball.
