Minnesota Youth Athletic Services
Background Checks for Sports
Officials/Coaches/Employee Applicants
Persons who apply to become a registered sports official/coachvor employee with the Minnesota Youth Athletic Services may not have engaged in any action which, within the discretion of the MYAS Board of Directors or their representative, gives rise to a concern over the safety of minors or others involved in MYAS-sponsored programs; indicates that the applicant cannot objectively perform an official’s/coach's/employee's duties; or otherwise is inconsistent with the MYAS’s responsibilities to its member associations, the participants, or the parents of participants.
All officials/coaches/employees who apply to become a registered Minnesota Youth Athletic Services official/coach/employee must submit to a background check. Background checks will be conducted on all officials/coaches/employees prior to completing their registration for any sport or employment; and thereafter, annually on all new officials/coaches/employees. This background check will verify the applicant’s Social Security number and address history, and screen their criminal conviction history.
In order to become or continue as a registered official/coach for the MYAS, the applicant may not have been convicted of a felony crime involving:
Any previous convictions meeting the above criteria shall result in the denial of registration/employment. This denial may be waived by the MYAS Board of Directors in individual cases if it determines, in its sole discretion, that there exists circumstances justifying such a waiver or modification.
Upon receipt of information that indicates that an applicant will be denied registration or employment, a pre-adverse action letter will be sent to the applicant, along with a copy of the screening report. The applicant will have 5 business days in which to contest any information that is inaccurate or incomplete. After 5 business days the information will be deemed to be accurate, and an adverse action letter will be sent, notifying the applicant that their request to be an MYAS registered official/coach/employee has been denied.