Statement from the Minnesota Youth Athletic Services, Inc.

 To quote Nelson Mandela: “Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair. It is more powerful than government in breaking down racial barriers.”

As we enter a new chapter, following the events surrounding George Floyd, the question that is being asked is, so now what? What are the next steps in this "diversity and inclusion" journey for everyone involved. 

MYAS is STILL committed to using our platform to empower youth athletes to work towards the goal of eliminating racial inequality and helping to eliminate the effects of bias in sports and in our community. Yet, there is still a lot of work to do. There is a lot of healing that needs to take place locally, and globally, but we must start at home and we ALL must have a part in this work.

For MYAS, we are asking the questions as an organization, and striving to get beyond merely talking about "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)" and really DOING something about it. Our organization continues to ask; How do we make a difference beyond the talk of DEI and training to get to the work that needs to be done?

In this new season, we are making a shift in our paradigm. We are committing to going beyond talking about this important topic in training and special events, we are dedicated to actually taking the steps to become a leader for social change. We are creating a platform that not only encompasses diversity, equity, and inclusion, but moving to deliver real positive change that extends beyond the borders of our organization. We want to help create Social Change Leaders that will impact the world of youth sports, our partners, the parent-volunteer youth athletic associations and more importantly our communities throughout the state of Minnesota.

What is The Social Change Model Leadership (SCLM)?

  • SCML is an approach to leadership that is both process oriented and outcome oriented. 
  • It approaches leadership as collaborative, purposeful, values-based, that looks to bring about social change.
  • What leadership looks like for MYAS in the Social Change Model is followed:
    1. Leadership that is socially responsible; it impacts change on behalf of others.
    2. Leadership that is collaborative
    3. Leadership that is a process and not a position
    4. Leadership that is inclusive and accessible to all people 
    5. Leadership that is values based
    6. It is Leadership that creates for Community involvement/service is a powerful vehicle to create and empower other leaders. 

 We make this statement knowing that the youth sports community will be watching to see if we are really committing to doing this. We are pleased to say that we have created an MYAS Diversity & Inclusion Task Force, which shall be known going forward as: MYAS Social Leadership Board of Advisors and shall have it leader, Director of Social Change Leadership. 


As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit youth sports organization, the MYAS has a duty to fulfill our mission of enhancing the delivery of youth sports services to every youth athlete, coach, parent, and official and the associations that serve them. We must also actively fulfill our goals as an organization and do our part to make a change in the culture of youth sports relative to race and equity, while empowering others to make the change with us.

We must have the difficult conversations. We must stand together in the pursuit of justice and the elimination of the injustice of racism. We must unite to ensure mutual respect and compassion – both now and for our future.

Thank you for your time and dedication to youth sports!